Their Names Begin with J, So Does Mine….

Reading through Job 29-31 today, I realized; I really love Job.  He defends himself, and as I read it, I’m like; “This is a guy I want to have as a friend.”  He’s bold, honest, compassionate, generous, and faithful.  I’m really drawn to him.

Then I begin to think about my character and actions.  Am I like that?  Could God let Satan have his way with me, and I would be able to know that I was innocent like Job?  No.  I would not.

But I want to be.  Job is just a shadow of who Jesus is.  I want to be like Job, but more importantly, I want to be like Jesus.  Bold, honest, compassionate, generous, and faithful.  Today, I want to work on those traits. 

What is your goal for the day?